Personal Tax Health Check

Bainbridge Tax Consulting offers a personal tax health check services to individual tax payers and their spouses.  Our clients who avail of this service range from company directors to employees, professionals and sole traders.  The primary objectives are that you will be availing of the tax reliefs and refunds to which you are entitled and that you understand the taxes that you are required to pay.

  • Do you know what tax credits you are entitled to?  Are you claiming them?
  • Should you be jointly assessed?
  • Are you using your full 20% tax band?
  • Is your payslip correctly calculated?
  • Do you understand what PAYE, USC, PRSI is being deducted?

If you are unsure of any of the above you will benefit from a Personal Tax Health Check.  In many cases the value of refunds far outweighs the fees; depending on your personal circumstances this can be a cash generating exercise in addition to ensuring you are claiming the credits you are entitled to.

If you would like to hear more about our Personal Tax Health Check please contact us in confidence and under no obligation.